
Codruta has been working in human resources since 2003, and since 2005 with the AIMS team in Timișoara. Her career in AIMS Romania is especially focused on people and leadership development, meaning soft skills training, management development programmes, competency assessment by means of assessment and development centres (design and implementation), 360-degrees evaluations.

However, she is also involved in organisational development projects, such as improving the company culture transformation or compensation and benefits surveys (AIMS SalaryMap – dedicated to Manufacturing, IT / Software Development and Outsourcing business sectors).

Codruta has delivered more than 250 courses and workshops and loves to see people making measurable and visible progress; probably that is why her favourite training topics are: Train the Trainer, Team Coaching for Performance and Effective Presentations – storytelling and strategy. She also enjoys training people on topics such as Constructive communication; Emotional intelligence in conflict resolution; Personal effectiveness & productivity … stress-free; Basic Leadership.

In her workshops, she likes to integrate various disciplines such as Solution Focus coaching, game-based learning or Design Sprint methodology (an innovative problem-solving process developed by Google Ventures, which she is crazy about), experimenting on a regular basis.

Codruta likes to work with progressive, forward-thinking companies (no matter the industry: from manufacturing to IT services / software development or shared services / outsourcing) that encourage innovation, people development and flexibility.


‘’My natural temperament has always drawn me towards people, which is one reason I got my degree in Psychology. To be honest, I am frequently told that I am a genuine people person. I appreciate recognition and acceptance, sharing it freely around as well, which is probably why I get to enjoy the company of many friends – of all varieties.

People like to work with me because they sense I will take the time to listen to them in a supportive, warm, sympathetic and sensitive manner. When conflicts arise, somehow people naturally turn to me for advice or just an opinion on the problem in question.


My favourite work in AIMS involves training or facilitation projects which generate real impact on people’s working lives, as well as tangible positive outcomes for organisational wellbeing. As a consultant, I think one of my roles is to help organisations balance the pressure on performance with people’s needs and I like to believe that so far I have made a real contribution in this respect – aligning people and organisations, as well as helping people find inner alignment. I believe in the power of individuals and the local community to change things for the better in the world around us. That is why volunteering in various small projects with a local impact is something I put time and effort in, whenever I can. And speaking of time off-job – I also like exercising, mountain biking with friends, backpacking and camping, as well as the sea and exotic locations.

In 2015 I took a sabbatical of 2 months to go to an international alternative school in Denmark, an experience that left a deep imprint on both my personal and professional selves. The teachers there, who inspire their students through charisma and a passion for the topic they teach, their creative teaching methods in a system without compulsory work or appraisal system are still an inspiration for me as a trainer. Living and learning together with people from over 50 countries sparked in me a passion for diversity and interculturality, which led me to take my first backpacking trip through India an year after, and to continue ever since then with multiple cultural exploration trips in other places from Asia, even with my baby girl on board.

So now, more than ever before, I believe in what Miriam Adeney used to say: “You will never be completely at home again, because part of your heart always will be elsewhere. That is the price you pay for the richness of loving and knowing people in more than one place.”

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