30 September, 2024

Our High Potential development program in 7 points

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Second part of the article HiPo (High Potential) programs: discover the winning formula

In the previous article, we talked about the importance of constant talent optimisation and the winning formula, which is to always have the right person, at the right time and in the right place. The method we describe below allows you to implement effective High Potential Identification and Development Programs (as well as, using the same methodology, Leadership Development Programs). Our 7-points HiPo (High Potential) identification and development program includes the following :

  1. Understanding your needs, the challenges you have to address, the strategic objectives you need to achieve in order to make your vision a reality. Focus on the variable «time» and the context
  2. Understanding the internal structure, the key areas, roles and projects, and the skills and competencies required to develop your business in a sustainable and successful way. Exploring the variable «place». Establishment of a blueprint for achieving your short, medium and long-term objectives
  3. Identification of high potentials (those with the best performance, the best potential for development in terms of skills, who are the most motivated and embody the company’s values) through an exhaustive and rigorous assessment methodology based on the personality, motivation, level of emotional and social intelligence as well as cognitive faculties. Depending on the needs, this type of assessment can be completed by an assessment centre (virtual or face-to-face) in which cognitive, behavioural, emotional and social skills, such as the ability to make decisions, innovate, manage conflicts, etc., are observed and measured using concrete exercises and scenarios, and/or by 360° assessments that allow us to understand how the potential of a candidate is perceived by various stakeholders. These stakeholders may be internal (supervisor, employees, peers) or external (customers, partners, etc.). Here we are exploring the variable « person »
  4. Preparing a synoptic grid that maps on one axis the performance (KPIs achieved/Performance Appraisal), and on the other, the potential (strengths, weaknesses and potential for development, meaning what the person is potentially able to achieve), as well as the level of interest, motivation and commitment of the people concerned by the HiPo program. This grid makes it possible to highlight many possible combinations (High Performers-High Potential/ High Performer-Low Potential/ Average Perfomer-High Potential) and to determine which action plans to activate. These action plans can be developed for all kinds of scenarios, and are not reserved exclusively for HiPo
  5. Establishing development, mentoring and/or coaching plans for HiPo’s to enable the best possible support and transition from one role to another
  6. Selection of those candidates in the HiPo pool with the best fit to fill strategic positions or ensure succession
  7. Setting up a transition plan (on-boarding) when taking on a new role, a new responsibility or a new project, as the first 100 days are critical.

HiPo program: benefits for the client

  • Ensures the long-term competitiveness, sustainability and success of the company
  • Improves employer branding, making the employer more attractive and interesting to executive job seekers, young graduates, but also to internal employees and key stakeholders
  • Enables proactive Talent Management and constant optimization of human capital
  • Ensures equal opportunities for every employee of the company through an objective, less biased assessment of human capital (not only based on performance or technical skills but also on potential)
  • Through the implementation of appropriate career plans, key employees can be retained and the motivation, commitment and desire to progress of high-potential employees can be preserved
  • Promotes internal mobility and better need-based talent planning (for example succession planning)
  • Reduces direct and indirect costs associated with inadequate talent management
  • By using an external consulting firm such as AIMS International, you gain objectivity through proven methodology, scientifically tested psychometric tools and comprehensive knowledge of HR processes

HiPo program: benefits for employees

  • Employees feel acknowledged in their need to progress, to learn, to take on new challenges, to leave their comfort zone, to innovate and to develop within the company. They will always be motivated to do their best because they are aware of the career and development plans available to them within the company
  • Employees can better identify with the mission, needs and challenges of the company because they can review their actions within a wider context
  • They can project themselves into the future, give meaning to their work and become aware of their role as a catalyst for change and a lever for boosting performance at the collective level
  • Aware of the opportunities that the company can offer internally, they do not need to look outside to progress in their career
  • With career plans that take into account objective criteria, namely performance but also the potential of each individual, employees will have an ethical, fair, transparent and inclusive framework in which to grow.


Note:This article was adapted from an article previously published by AIMS International Switzerland, written by Catherine Librandi

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